Monday, May 14, 2018

We need Better Questions to move toward Humanity's Future

Hello World.

I have previously written on Screwtape Files, a blog examining claims about precious metals. For a few years now we had basically run out of things to talk about, and being a joint-authorship blog it is difficult to introduce new types of content. Hence I am here, striking it out on my own - a desire to write and things to explore - the topic is ufology and the goal is to increase the definition of the picture we are watching.

I have no audience, so this writing exercise is primarily to get these things out of my head - but secondarily to see whether my material adds value to the broader discussion. Throughout, I will use the term 'UFO' (unidentified flying object) rather than the more correct 'UAP' (unidentified aerial phenomenon) simply because I prefer it and because my focus is on the craft themselves.

The question of whether UFO's exist is an incredibly immature question which automatically stifles discussion. I have seen ufo craft twice in my life so I don't have the luxury of debate. I will inform you it's an incredibly unfortunate experience because the nature of the observation forces you either to discard your carefully cultivated world view, or live with the cognitive dissonance of denying what you witnessed. Both outcomes are insanely unpleasant.

A far better question is 'what is the nature of the their interaction with us?'. This is a stance which puts us on a path to discussion and discovery - without it we still flounder and argue like children about what reality is. What makes it difficult is that the various entities involved clearly don't have any interest in helping us gain a high definition look at their activities.

Within the life of this blog (without any specific timeline) I plan to cover the following themes:
  1. My own sightings and experiences
  2. Examining their apparent relationship with the spiritual realm
  3. Discussion of exo-politics in the context of human history (past, modern and future)
  4. A concise plan for examining these critters through scientific means
In case it's not clear at this point:
  • Yes, this is intended to be a serious discussion, using all the tools of logic, data and observation which can be afforded.
  • No, this doesn't have anything to do with my previous writing efforts, except perhaps it carries the same underpinning desire to get a better signal-to-noise ratio.
  • I am well versed in logical fallacies, so any posted comments which intend to interfere, mock, obfuscate and muddle, need to be of the highest calibre :)